Hello. It’s been a while.
You may have noticed a change. We are living in a nightmare, after all, and to quote Leonora Carrington, “This is a love letter to a nightmare.” (While this quote is from The Seventh Horse And Other Tales I recommend all her stories because she was incredible). Consider these dispatches my love letters during this nightmare.
I now have a clearer idea of what I would like this newsletter to be. A little more analysis, a little less idiosyncratic (but not too much, because this is me who is writing this after all), and a lot more regular. I’ll be using art and the women I wrote about to launch into various ideas surrounding pop culture, music, film and TV, and while I may, on occasion, stray from the norm, Surrealism will be at the core.
I hope you enjoy what’s in store, and I thank you for reading.