A brilliant post bringing so many threads together from fashion and surrealist art. And it's so good to see you using Chadwick's work in new ways: she really is still the best all-round source for women and surrealism even after so long. Her book came out in 1985, in case people don't know. I assume it's still in print?

It is fascinating to see the same motifs occurring across 'high' and 'low' art. When I was doing my doctoral research on the poet H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), who wrote some of the earliest feminist versions of Greek myths, I remember finding magazine sources where 'goddesses' were all the rage in the 1930s fashion pages. Now I see that they were almost certainly inspired by Schiaparelli and, indirectly, surrealism.

Keep up the great work: I feel like you are doing my research for me, Sabrina, and I can just go on playing around and writing my weird stuff on surrealist women's art!

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